Twitter: The Early Years

By Betsy Carpenter, Manager, Marketing & Business Development

It wasn't too long ago that I remember beginning my own Twitter account. I claimed my handle, spent hours designing a background, agonized over my one-line bio for weeks, and finally I was live. What next?

Well, to be quite honest, I started firing out tweets as fast as they came to me - letting anybody who would follow know my thoughts on the Pure Michigan commercials (Tim Allen has the voice of a god) or the underrated awesomeness of galoshes (I have a pair in pink plaid - altho I do not like pink, but that is a different story - do I hear a tweet coming on?). However, like many, after about a week or two, my tweets dwindled. I became part of the 25-50% of users who Tweet 0-1 times per day.

Regardless of my involvement, or that of others however, Twitter seems to still play a strong role in social media for the time being. People you never thought you would get close to, let alone know their every bathroom habit, are suddenly at your fingertips! From Oprah to Shaq - everyone seems to be tweeting.

I found this Twitter timeline on Manolith and thought I would pass it along. It's crazy to think how far we've come since the day before Twitter and even blogs. With growth like this, however, it is exciting to think of where we may end up. Happy Monday!

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The Story of Twitter


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