Reaching the Summit

By Aaron Goldman, VP Marketing & Strategic Partnerships

I’m down in Captiva Island for the 5th Search Insider Summit. This conference is always one of the best on the circuit. MediaPost does a great job of creating a forum for interaction by limiting the number of attendees and working in focused breakouts and fun activities to foster dialogue.

I’m blogging the event along with fellow Search Insiders and MediaPost reporters so be sure to check out the MediaPost Raw Blog to keep up on all the action.

The conference kicked off today with Gian Fulgoni of comScore’s keynote address. I was especially excited to see him speak given how much comScore has been in the news lately over their “Google flap.” Using a barrage of stats (as only comScore can) Gian built up to his thesis that the click does not tell the whole story when it comes to search.

Check out this post for the full session recap (including all the great facts and figures) but the gist of it was that, given only 5% of all Google paid search impressions result in a click, the “non-click” may be just as, if not more, important than the click when evaluating search performance.

As readers of my past couple posts on this blog will know, I couldn’t agree more. Search is so much more than a direct response vehicle and only looking at the click ignores the impact of all those impressions. Clearly, it’s going to take more research to really drive this point home so it’s great to see comScore so committed to the cause.

OK, time for some “networking” so I have to sign off. Keep an eye on the MediaPost Raw Blog for the latest and greatest from Captiva. And, as always, I’ll recap the top buzzwords from the summit in my next Search Insider column.


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