Viewzi SERF

By Haley Fierstein, Paid Search Specialist, Advertising Solutions

Keeping with the visual theme, I recommend the search engine Viewzi as a follow up to the SERF. I think it will be interesting to look at Viewzi and compare it to last week’s suggestion to contrast pros and cons to both. Please share your thoughts as we dive deeper into the new visual spaces of search.


Anonymous said...

"Subtraction by Addition"

While I love the stimulating visuals and enjoy the plethora of creative search options Viewzi has to offer, I don't like having to make additional choices in how my SERP will appear as it slows down the process of getting from point A to point B. For experienced searchers, this may be an asset as Viewzi provides a fresh interactive approach. However, for some of the novice searchers out there, Viewzi may be providing unwanted roadblocks.

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